Aerator and fertilizer subsoiling agricultural machines

The Aerators or Fertilizers are machines created particularly for moving the soil, even in depth, specifically to the compaction point, in order to restore an adequate soil degree about porosity, permeability and aeration.

without excessively moving the surface layer, creating furrows to avoid surface runoff (e.g. the water stagnation on the surface) and through which it is possible to fertilize soil, providing to the plant essential nutrients for its correct growth even in the presence of hard or stony soils.

Recommended agricultural machinery

Arrizza Srl is able to provide specific solutions for this type of processing by acting mechanically and therefore with a view to Bioagriculture.

Fertilizer subsoiling with mechanical or hydraulic frame width adjustment

Fertilizer subsoiling

Fertilizer subsoiling with mechanical or hydraulic frame width adjustment.

Aerator and fertilizer subsoiling with mechanical or hydraulic frame width adjustment

Aerator and fertilizer subsoiling

Aerator and fertilizer subsoiling with mechanical or hydraulic frame width adjustment.

Aerator for vineyard complete with Michel anchors

Aerator for vineyard

Aerator for vineyard complete with Michel anchors.